January 29

how much does probate cost

Cortes Law Firm Oklahoma City Estate Planning Attorney

Probate is expensive

How much does probate cost? 

This question we get daily. If we get 50 calls a day, I would say maybe 15 of those to 20 of those ask specifically, how much does probate cost?

You should be asking that because probate is expensive. Again, it depends on the jurisdiction because some states or jurisdictions have what's called summary probate or probates that can be done very quickly if there's not a lot of assets.

Thousands of Probate Dollars

I will tell you that what we see on a normal basis is probates costing between $4,700 and about $7,800. And that is if everything goes absolutely perfectly.

And by that, I mean very little creditors. No creditors are fighting. No family members fighting over the assets. It's just a very simple probate in which everything gets done by the statutory deadlines without any fuss from anybody.

Probate Attorney fees 

That is the cost of just a very normal probate about $4,700 and about $7,800. If there's going to be fights, if family members start fighting, then I can promise you you can triple that number because of the attorney costs and having to draft motions and appear in court.

Drafting responses to other motions are going to get very expensive, very quickly.

The best thing to do have a plan ahead of time. Talk to your family. And hopefully there's no fights so you can keep those probate costs down.

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Cortes Law Firm

5801 Broadway Extension Hwy Suite 110

Oklahoma City, OK, 73118



Estate Planning Attorney, estate planning attorney oklahoma city, how much does a probate attorney cost, how much does a probate lawyer cost, how much does it cost to do probate, how much does it cost to get a will probated, how much does it cost to go through probate, how much does it cost to probate a will, how much does probate cost, how much does probate court cost, probate attorney, probate attorney oklahoma city, stephen cortes, steve cortes

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