Help! How do I fund my trust?

Did you know that we offer Trust funding?
We recently checked in on clients who had moved since we first drafted their estate plan. Surprisingly, many of them had NOT titled their new home in the name of their Trust. This means that if they die, then we will have to Probate the house to put it into the name of the Trust. Even worse, the probate could easily cost their estate several thousands of dollars. All because they did not title their home correctly. We are now in the process of helping our friends fix this problem.
You already made an investment in a custom estate plan, so you MUST take full advantage of what you have. FUNDING IS ABSOLUTELY VITAL to your estate plan working correctly. It is not just your home that needs to be in the name of the Trust, but almost all of your other assets as well. Have you been diligent in properly funding your Trust?
Please review the Funding Instructions tab in your blue estate planning binder for these and other assets:
- Cash Accounts
- Investment Accounts
- Personal Effects
- Life Insurance Policies
- Accounts Receivable
- Business Interests
- Oil, Gas and Mineral Interests
- Real Estate
- Anticipated Inheritance, Gifts or Money Judgments
NEXT STEP: Call us to schedule a Trust Funding consultation 405-213-0856