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  • Top 3 Estate Planning Law Firm

– Hey guys, how are you? I just wanted to make a quick announcement, actually two announcements today.

I don’t know if you guys saw the newspaper yesterday, but if you look in “The Oklahoman” Readers’ Choice Awards, we got, we’re in the top three estate planning law firms in the city, so we’re really excited about that. If you haven’t thrown away your newspaper yet, look for us on page 12, and we want to thank all the readers out there for nominating us and for voting for us, we really appreciate it.

The second announcement is you may have noticed that this email is not coming from the Cortes Law Firm, it’s actually coming from oklahomaestateplan.com. The reason for that is that we have so many people on our email list now who are wanting to see our articles and our videos, that it was actually messing up our law firm’s email. So if you get an email from us that says Oklahoma Estate Plan, it’s just us, don’t worry about it.

Watch out tomorrow for our next video. We’ll see you then, thanks again, and thanks again for everybody for voting for us. We really appreciate it, talk to you later.

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